博天堂官方 + Western Oregon University

Frequently Asked Questions

WOU-Bound Students

When should I sign up for DPP?

The short answer is: as soon as you are eligible. This way, if WOU's programs change 他们的一些要求你将不必重新上课或采取不同的 classes from the current program requirements. As a DPP student, you are an WOU student 并且一旦你在WOU获得了你的第一个学分,就会获得目录权.

申请截止日期为开学前3周.  At the very latest, 然而,在你想开始的学期开始前一个月注册 taking classes at WOU. 

申请时,要求将所有学院的正式成绩单发送到WOU 课程作业(所有正式成绩单需要直接来自授予的学校) 无论博天堂官方是否收到/评估了这些学分).  博天堂官方 will not automatically send transcripts to WOU for the application process; they need to be requested.  If 你修了两年的外语,完成了外语要求 在高中,你需要把你的正式高中成绩单寄到WOU as well.  

Do I need to take placement tests at WOU?

作为当前博天堂官方学生过渡到WOU,您将不需要额外的 placement tests.

Who decides if I get admitted?

西俄勒冈大学评估所有DPP申请.  For transfer students, WOU is looking at the following criteria:

  • Completed 36 transferable, college-level credits
  • 完成WR 121(英语作文),成绩为C或以上***
  • 完成MTH 105或MTH 111,成绩C或以上***
  • Earn a GPA of 2.25 or higher

***学生可以有条件地被录取,并进行数学和写作课程. 条件是完成正在进行的课程,并取得C-或更好的成绩 prior to first term to have the condition removed.


How do I find out if I am admitted?

WOU将在评估完所有成绩单后通知学生入学.  This can take 4-6 weeks.  留意一下用于设置应用程序的电子邮件.  如果WOU认为你的申请是不完整的(例如,他们没有收到官方的 学校的成绩单),他们会给你发一封电子邮件,要求你提供所需的信息.

When do I have to pay tuition and fees at WOU?

Fee payment information can be found on the WOU Accounting & Business Services Website, their schedule of due dates, and printed Tuition and Fee Handbook.


在WOU,添加/退学和学费/退款时间表公布在我们的网站上 Academic Calendar.  由于退款计划由WOU的营业处管理,所以更详细的信息 can be found here. 在没有部门许可的情况下通过网络添加课程的最后一天是在 close of the 5th calendar day after classes begin.

我已经被录取并准备注册WOU的课程. What's next?

你必须在你计划的学期之前报名参加一个迎新会 on taking classes at WOU. 在夏季有几次SOAR迎新会 for transfer students.  学期之间也至少有一节课.  在培训期间,您将了解WOU的过渡资源,会见 作为WOU的顾问,并被分配到您可以注册任何WOU课程的时间. Email Kennedy Schade at schadek@mail.wou.edu 与合适的学术顾问联系,开始你的旅程.

我如何知道我在博天堂官方学习的课程是否适合转到我的专业 at WOU?

See your 博天堂官方 advisor regularly!  Meeting with an WOU advisor at the Partnerships 办公室是另一种让你确信自己在正轨上的好方法.  Following the AAOT学位的学习目录计划也将确保您的课程转移 to WOU.  我们也有一些迁移指南,可以作为额外的参考, 尽管没有什么可以代替与你的导师会面.


 Current WOU Students

Do I need to attend an orientation program at 博天堂官方?

目前在读的WOU学生和计划就读的新生 在签约时,WOU的新生培训不需要参加博天堂官方的新生培训 up for the Degree Partnership Program. We do, however, have different policies and 而不是WOU的系统,熟悉这些是有好处的.


一旦我们设置好您的帐户,您将收到您的博天堂官方学生的电子邮件 ID number and a claim code to set up My LB Single Sign On.  我的LB学生门户网站上有一个可用的应用程序是WebRunner 博天堂官方学生注册课程的系统是什么.  For additional registration information check out this registration and schedule webpage or send us an email at dpp@youngswelding.net.


当你在两所学校获得的学分被加在一起时,你的成绩就会显示出来 full load, our billing systems are not connected.  OSU will not send 博天堂官方 money directly -- it is your responsibility to pay your bill at 博天堂官方.  博天堂官方 offers online payment 通过您的WebRunner帐户或您可以在我们的奥尔巴尼校区亲自支付 Business Office or at the Benton Center in Corvallis.

Can I re-take a class that I failed at WOU at 博天堂官方?

你可以重修不及格的课程,当你通过了博天堂官方的课程,它 can meet graduation or program requirements at WOU. However, you cannot replace the 你在WOU的成绩和你在博天堂官方的成绩(反之亦然). Grade replacements can only happen within the same institution. Generally, then, we tell students to 在他们最初选择的学校重修他们不及格的课程.

Are classes at 博天堂官方 easier than at WOU?

尽管所有的类都是不同的,但简短的答案是否定的. When a class counts at 两个机构,因为两个学校都复习了这门课,发现 它导致学生达到相同的学习成果. Classes at 博天堂官方 are often 更小,这意味着你和老师有更多的互动,老师 can assign more grading-intensive projects. This means that classes at 博天堂官方 are just as hard, if not harder, than the same class at WOU.


Simply fill out this online form.

我如何知道我在博天堂官方学习的课程是否适合转到我的专业 at WOU?

在伙伴关系办公室与WOU的顾问会面是一个很好的方式来保证 that you are on-track. 按照目录计划学习AAOT学位将 also ensure that your courses transfer to WOU. WOU has developed four-year plans that 反映了我们在博天堂官方和WOU获得许多学位的必要教育路径. Please check with your advisor.