描述公众成员索取公共记录的程序 从林本顿社区学院毕业,以及管理公众释放的规则 records information.

查阅和复制公共记录应当在正常营业时间内进行 在记录所在的办公室或学院指定的其他设施. 学院档案不得为公共记录而离开学院场所 disclosure. The college 五月 directly supervise the inspection or copying of college 记录,可列出由请求人或应请求人的要求检查或复制的记录; 并且可以同时为学院自己的目的复制被检查或 copied by or at the request of the requestor. The college 五月 provide a copy of a record in lieu of the original to protect the original record. The college 五月 provide 为了删除豁免材料而代替原始记录的编辑副本.

There are two types of public record requests:

  1. Informal Requests
    对公共记录的非正式请求是由请求者口头提交的请求 当事人要求记录是偶然的,容易获得或可复制的,可忽略不计 cost, and are typically available for general public distribution.

  2. Formal Requests
    所有公共记录要求必须以书面形式提交,并将被批准或拒绝 in accordance with Oregon Public Records Law. College shall acknowledge receipt of 提出请求或在收到请求后五个工作日内完成请求. 确认必须包括学院是否是请求的保管人 record(s).

    要求提供信息的任何一方都应充分配合学院的识别工作 the reason(s) for the request. In order to determine whether or not the requested 公共记录免于披露,有资格获得费用减免,或 if the documents meet the “public interest test,” (ORS 192.324(5)) requesting party/parties must fully disclose their intended purpose of the request.

    Each request must reasonably describe the records being sought. This means that a 请求必须足够具体,以允许熟悉的大学工作人员 the subject matter to locate the record in a reasonable period of time.
  1. 请求方应支付不可退还的25美元保证金, at the time of submitting their public records request to the college. Deposit must accompany the Public Record(s) Request form.  Submit the request form and send the deposit to: Linn-Benton Community College, Business Office, 6500 Pacific Blvd. SW, Albany, OR 97321.

  2. Pursuant to ORS 192.324(4)(c), the college shall provide the requesting party with 书面估计,如果公开记录请求预计将超过25美元.00. 请求方收到预估后,应通知学院是否接受预估 wants the college to proceed with making the public records available. After providing 请求方作为接收条件必须支付的费用的书面估计 the records, the college 五月 要求书面确认请求方希望学院继续进行 with making the public record available. The college 五月 要求请求方在学院落成前支付费用 其资源用于准备、复制和发布请求的非豁免 public records.

  3. 学院要求请求方向学院支付 超出合理费用余额25美元的押金不予退还 to the release of the public records. (i.e., public records will be made available to the requesting party 只有 upon payment in full to the college, and 之前 to release/disclosure of the records.) These reasonable costs shall include, but are not limited to (ORS 192.324 (4)(b)): actual personnel costs; reproduction costs; delivery expenses; preparation and release of a condensed version of significant facts that 不得免除披露和律师费(如有),以便进行审查; redacting or segregating the public records into exempt and nonexempt records

  4. Per ORS 192.329(4)(b) if the requestor fails to respond within 60 days the College will close the request.

    Requesting party shall be charged at the rate(s) established below:
  1. 如果公共记录请求只需要少量的工作人员时间(少于30小时) 分钟),其中包括:搜索、定位、检索、复制、传送、 总结、编译、裁剪、准备和发布精简版本 of significant facts that are not otherwise exempt from disclosure (ORS 192.355); 除非要求复印的份数超过10份,否则复印是免费的 pages.

  2.  记录只需要象征性的工作时间(少于30分钟),但是 复印数超过10页的,按实际人员费用收费 time, including fringe benefits, plus: copying/delivering charges; charges for summarizing, compiling tailoring; and preparation and release of a condensed version of significant facts that are not otherwise exempt from disclosure (ORS 192.355), and attorney’s 审查、编辑或分离公共记录的费用,如果有的话 and nonexempt records. Copying charges shall be at the rate of $0.10 (ten cents) per black-and-white page.

  3. 需要超过象征性工作时间(30分钟或以上)的记录; 将向请求方提供工作人员时间的实际费用,包括 fringe benefits, plus: copying/delivery charges; charges for summarizing, compiling tailoring; and charges for the preparation and release of a condensed version of significant facts that are not otherwise exempt from disclosure (ORS 192.355). Copying charges shall be at the rate of $0.10 (ten cents) per black-and-white page. Personnel costs 应以四分之一小时为基础计算,四舍五入 college staff and/or the college’s attorney(s). Attorney fees, if any, shall be limited 考虑到学院律师在审查公共记录上花费的时间成本, 从公共记录中编辑材料或将公共记录分离成 exempt and nonexempt records.
      1. 如果提供副本的决定是由 the college to be in the public's  best interest as set forth in ORS 192.324(5).

      2. 即使档案保管人不收取查询时间费用,学院也可以收取 定位响应请求的任何记录,或者即使定位到的记录是 subsequently determined to be exempt from disclosure.

学院将尽快满足公开记录的要求 without unreasonable delay. Within 10 business days after acknowledging the request 或收到任何必要的费用支付,学院将完成其回应 ,或提供一份书面声明,说明他们仍在处理 请求,并注明提供答复的合理估计日期. 虽然学院应尽一切努力在此时限内对请求作出回应, 请求不得影响学院的运作,也不得干扰正常的教学 discharge of the custodian’s duties. 

DATE(S) OF REVISION(S): 05/07/15; 12/6/18; 12/01/22; 06/08/23
DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 05/07/15; 12/6/18; 12/01/22; 06/08/23