


To support the college’s core theme of cultural richness, our strategic goal of equity, and the college values, by encouraging the development of employee language skills to intentionally address the needs of emerging student and community populations.

Bilingual incentive pay for contracted classified employees is subject to the IACE collective bargaining agreement, and shall be governed by that agreement.

Eligible employees, as identified below, may qualify for a bilingual pay incentive. Hourly non-exempt confidential employees who meet qualification requirements will 获得140美元的津贴.每月工作100英镑,待详细说明 年度工资授权. 少于1人的员工.0fte,将收到 按比例奖励. Upon separation of employment, partial months shall 按比例支付.

Part-time non-contracted classified staff that meet qualification requirements will immediately advance one step on the part-time non-contracted classified salary schedule. Employees who are at the top step of the salary schedule at the time of their initial certification will be carried on an ongoing basis at a compensation level four (4) percent above the top step of their applicable grade.

过程s for Hourly, Non-Exempt Confidential, and Part-Time Non-contracted Classified 工作人员


  1. Any hourly, non-exempt confidential employee or any part-time non-contracted classified employee who is evaluated and formally certified as proficient in conversational Spanish, 由大学认可的专业认证.
  2. The incentive is attached to the person, and therefore eligibility is transferrable as the person may take on new or additional eligible positions within the college 或者博天堂官方基金会.
  3. It is the responsibility of the employee to keep their conversational language skills current. The college reserves the ongoing right to re-evaluate an individual employee’s language proficiency periodically as the need may arise.
  4. The college reserves the right to re-evaluate the application of the bilingual incentive 随着学生人口结构的变化.
  5. The application of the incentive is contingent upon the need for specific language skills to best serve student and community populations that reach “critical mass.” For the purpose of this rule, “critical mass” is defined as at least 10% of the incoming student base as indicated on demographic projections for the district, and college 招生/注册数据.
  6. If a conversational language skill other than Spanish is identified by the college as valuable in a particular position or locality, the direct supervisor may recommend the bilingual pay incentive be applied to individual eligible employees who demonstrate 并且保持对那门语言的熟练程度. 这些特殊的双语薪酬激励可能 be granted only with approval of the applicable Vice- President. 在这些情况下, eligibility criterion expressed in parts 3 and 4 above still apply.

To receive the bilingual pay incentive, the employee must be certified as proficient in conversational Spanish 由大学认可的专业认证 or agency.

To receive the bilingual pay incentive, the following steps must be completed:

  1. The employee may request bilingual certification by completing the Bilingual 认证 Request Form, and turning that form in to their immediate supervisor.
  2. The employee’s immediate supervisor must acknowledge receipt and forward the request 致人力资源.
  3. Human Resources will be responsible for scheduling the certification assessment.  Assessments will be tentatively scheduled in fall, winter, and spring academic terms, but may be held more or less frequently based on participation levels.  请求 employee will be responsible for completion of the certification assessment.
  4. Upon successful completion of the assessment, the employee shall provide the certification 向直接主管提交文件.
  5. The immediate supervisor will forward the documentation of certification and a new/revised payroll authorization reflecting application of the incentive 致人力资源 for 工资处理. For part-time employees with more than one position, the employee will be responsible for notifying each supervisor of the incentive award to assure it is applied consistently to all eligible positions.
  6. Application of the incentive shall be effective immediately at the start of the pay period subsequent to the successful completion of the certification assessment.

Those employees who receive the bilingual pay incentive will, when called upon, utilize their conversational language skill to respond to student/customer needs.

Employees with demonstrated language proficiency will be retained in a conversational language skills database and may be called upon at any time for the purpose of assisting co-workers in conversation with students or community members who may benefit from 用第一语言或首选语言进行对话.

Employees retained in the language skills database are expected to respond timely 对于这样的要求. Any pattern of failure to respond or failure to comply with such requests may lead to revocation of the pay incentive.
